I'm Sophie, married to Simon and mum to Jeremiah (10), Isaac (8), Malachi (5), Ezekiel (3) and Zechariah (2). Also our 2 little ones in heaven, Eleanor (2005) and Elisha (2011).

Jeremiah has Autism.

Isaac has hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers Danlos type 3 and uses a wheelchair for anything other than very short distances.

Malachi has hypermobility and wears piedro boots to support his ankles

Ezekiel has a cleft palate, hydrocephalus, hypotonia and development delay

Zechariah was born with sepsis and has mild development delay.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Ezekiel Matthew

At 9:47am on 3rd June 2005 I was waiting for a scan that would tell me whether my first child was going to live or die.

At 9:47am on 3rd June 2013 my sixth child, Ezekiel Matthew was born by C-section at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, over a month early.

Most people who know me know that I don't usually do C-sections, or early babies.  I'm more of a natural, overdue, just under 9lb baby kind of person.  But sometimes things don't go according to plan.

I had a lot of waters and last Saturday morning they broke in a rather spectacular fashion.  Despite this being my 4th pregnancy to get this far the midwives wanted to check they had gone so off we went to hospital.  They weren't sure what position Ezekiel was in as they could feel what they thought was a head but they could feel feet as well so they thought he might be breech.  So I was scanned and he was head down, although slightly to the side and one of his feet was by his face.  I still had a lot of water and he had a lot of space to move around.  I couldn't deliver him naturally like that and we had to weigh up the risks of waiting verses doing something.  In the end it was agreed that I would need a c-section but not yet.  So I had steroids to develop Ezekiel's lungs and we did a lot of waiting around and being nil by mouth while emergencies came up, people were bleeped and plans were changed again and again.

Finally on Monday morning I was taken to labour ward.  Simon donned a very fetching set of scrubs and we went to theatre.  Between them, Simon and the anaesthetist took loads and loads of photos.  The surgeon was the same one who did my operation to remove Elisha and had been Ezekiel's consultant since we found out about his cleft lip.  Ezekiel was born shouting but while I was being sewn back together he started to have breathing problems so after letting me have a very brief cuddle he was taken to neonatal intensive care.  I was taken back to labour ward and sent Simon down to the neonatal unit to see what was happening.  I couldn't go and see him until the spinal wore off which was extremely frustrating.  Jeremiah, Isaac and Malachi came after school and I finally got to go down and see him.  The next day I could walk down whenever I wanted which was nice but being on the postnatal ward was awful.  I was discharged on Thursday but Ezekiel is going to be in hospital for at least another week.  He has Isaac and Malachi's paediatrician looking after him so he is in good hands. 

Simon holding Ezekiel in theatre

Quick cuddle before he went to intensive care
Ezekiel in intensive care a few hours old
Ezekiel on day 5 in special care

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