The gorgeous Ezekiel is now 5 months old and weighs 12lb. His list of problems that appears on every letter we get from Nicola gets a bit bigger each time. We now have a date for the first surgery (3rd December) and he is having his repeat MRI scan this week.
My life with 5 children, all with special needs. 2 with mobility issues, 1 premmie with health issues, a cuddly miracle baby and an eccentric livewire on the spectrum
I'm Sophie, married to Simon and mum to Jeremiah (10), Isaac (8), Malachi (5), Ezekiel (3) and Zechariah (2). Also our 2 little ones in heaven, Eleanor (2005) and Elisha (2011).
Jeremiah has Autism.
Isaac has hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers Danlos type 3 and uses a wheelchair for anything other than very short distances.
Malachi has hypermobility and wears piedro boots to support his ankles
Ezekiel has a cleft palate, hydrocephalus, hypotonia and development delay
Zechariah was born with sepsis and has mild development delay.
Monday, 11 November 2013
More doing, less typing
I often find the busier we are, the less I blog. We are plodding along as usual, trying to fit in nice educational activities in between appointments, feeding and pumping.
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