Operation 11 happened on Friday. We tried giving Ezekiel a pre-med this time which helped quite a bit. He was still upset but not as bad as he normally is. He slept for a long time afterwards though so I need to remember that for next time and be prepared to come home very late. They took off 25mls of CSF which is about average for him.
There has been a big difference in Ezekiel's headaches since his latest lumbar puncture. He is quite traumatized though, I think a few chilled out days at home are needed.
My life with 5 children, all with special needs. 2 with mobility issues, 1 premmie with health issues, a cuddly miracle baby and an eccentric livewire on the spectrum
I'm Sophie, married to Simon and mum to Jeremiah (10), Isaac (8), Malachi (5), Ezekiel (3) and Zechariah (2). Also our 2 little ones in heaven, Eleanor (2005) and Elisha (2011).
Jeremiah has Autism.
Isaac has hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers Danlos type 3 and uses a wheelchair for anything other than very short distances.
Malachi has hypermobility and wears piedro boots to support his ankles
Ezekiel has a cleft palate, hydrocephalus, hypotonia and development delay
Zechariah was born with sepsis and has mild development delay.